Avoiding Seasickness With Evinrude XD 100 Oil In The Boat

seasickThere’s always been a problem with my wife and I in that I love going out boating and hanging out on the water and she’s never been a fan of it. The problem is that she’s always getting seasick. She gets motion sickness on planes and even in cars. Considering how often I’m boating, it’s a bit of an issue.

She really wanted to be able to join me out on the water, so she finally went to a doctor to get some medicine that would help her with her motion sickness. Things have been working really well for her since then. I’m able to fill up my boat with Evinrude XD 100 oil and go out on the lake with her, which is always nice.

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A New Boat With Evinrude XD50 Oil

Scarab302cool_002Taking your new boat out on the water for the first time is a pretty exhilarating experience, even if you’ve had many boats in your lifetime. It’s a great feeling to really get to see what your boat can do and push it to its limits. This will be a look ahead at all of the great times that you’ll be having on your boat in the future on your next boating and fishing trips.

Whenever I get a new boat that I want to test out, I make sure that all of the proper maintenance has been done, and use Evinrude XD100 oil for my E-Tecs. Then I take it to a nearby lake that’s usually not very crowded and put it through its paces while I plan my next trip.

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Evinrude Outboard Motors And Evinrude XD100 Oil

digi47019996_lEvinrude Outboard Motors is a company that was founded in 1907 by Ole Evinrude, a Norwegian immigrant to the United States. He was fascinated by the newly developed internal combustion engine and wanted to design small engines with his new company. The company developed motors for American military marine craft in World War II.

These days, the company not only develops the cleanest, most efficient outboard motors in the world, but also offers many other products to help keep them running like new. These include outboard motor oils like Evinrude XD100 oil. It is always best to buy the type of oil that was specifically designed for your motor.

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Won’t Be Stranded With Evinrude Outboard Oil

cat1I’ve been living with a bit of a strange conundrum. My biggest fear in the world is being stranded on open water, but one of my favorite pastimes is going fishing. Considering those two things go fairly hand in hand, I always try to make sure to take extra precautions any time I go fishing. Usually, I prefer to fish on a dock, somewhere safe, but things don’t always work out that way.

Obviously, the best fishing is fishing that can be done out on the open water, be it in a lake or an ocean, or what have you. I always make sure to use Evinrude outboard oil on my boat whenever necessary and I keep a lot of extra on hand, because I want to be completely certain that my boat never fails on me, so that I won’t be stranded.

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Evinrude XD 50 Oil As A Gift

m_gDNUMdXnYACHVQWX5Z7JgI have a tendency to buy a lot of gifts in advance, so I like to choose things that are non-perishable and non-seasonal, so that I can pull from my stock of gifts to give to people upon certain occasions. For instance, over the course of four months, I have my dad’s birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and my mom’s birthday, so it makes things easier to already have stuff on hand.

For my dad, who recently retired and has been boating a lot, I’ve been picking up various boat-related items. For instance, I pulled some Evinrude XD 50 oil from my gift stock for his birthday, and he was very pleased with it. I think I’ll be giving him something boat-related when Father’s Day rolls around as well.

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Properly Sealed Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

$(KGrHqN,!lsE+G!hufSUBP5B!h6K3Q~~60_35My neighbor is getting older and he sold me his boat recently, along with a few additional items to go along with the boat. He gave it to me at a heavily discounted price, because he feels he’s getting a little too old to keep up with maintaining a boat and taking it out on the water. I made sure to check if the oil he gave me was properly sealed.

With proper storage, Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil has a very long shelf life.  It is important that the bottles of oil remain  unopened. When the oil is opened, however, the additives in oil can cause it to turn acidic, which can cause problems. Ultimately, if it is properly sealed, oil can last years and years.

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Evinrude Oil For My Boat

BeckerLakeI have a friend who has always been loyal to Yamaha products; he’s a musician who has always loved using their musical instruments, so when it came to purchasing items for his boat and other vehicles, it was sort of a no-brainer for him. He suggested that I use Yamaha products as well, but I wanted to make sure the items I used were perfect specifically for my boat.

While I’m certain that Yamaha products work perfectly for him, I actually did some research and found out that with my particular boat, Evinrude oil would be the best choice for maximum efficiency. It’s always important to do the research before you purchase products for your vehicle’s maintenance so you can properly meet its needs.

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Buying Evinrude XD 100 Oil For Father’s Day

654654654My dad has been going boating a lot with his friends lately. He had been saving up money for a while and finally got around to purchasing a boat last year for himself. Unfortunately, he got it right before winter, so he hasn’t even had much of a chance to take it out since he found the right boat for him.

Since he’s gotten the boat, however, finding gifts for him has been really easy for our family. We just pick up boating-related things and he’s always pretty ecstatic about them. For instance, I know that for Father’s Day, I’m planning on getting him some bottle of Evinrude XD 100 oil, as well as maybe some items that will help him more easily clean his boat.

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Found Some Discounted Evinrude XD50 Oil

DSC02427Having a friend that is a mechanic comes in handy. I go to him if I need any advice on all things automotive. I even talk to him about my outboard engine for my boat. If I hear any sort of funky sounds, I would tell him about it and he would immediately diagnose it and tell me what I need to do. I kind of wish that I learned the mechanics trade myself because it would save me a whole lot of money and headaches.

Another good thing about having a mechanic friend is that he knows where to get good deals on certain things. He told me about another mechanic who sells some Evinrude XD50 oil out of a drum for a discounted price. All I would need to do was bring in my own container for the oil and pay the mechanic. It was way cheaper than if I would buy my own bottle from a store. I’m glad that I was able to save a few bucks.

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It’s Evinrude XD100 or Bust…Literally

DSCN3877Owning a boat can be very expensive. I’m not talking about just the boat itself; I’m talking about the parts and the maintenance. I spent a lot of money on my engine and I want to make sure that it’s getting the best possible care. I change the oil myself every few weeks to make sure there is no carbon buildup that can be potentially damaging.

I noticed that my engine only runs on Evinrude XD100 oil. I asked a mechanic if I was able to use another brand because it can be a bit expensive. He told me that the setting my engine was on requires me to use that specific brand. Then he gave me the name of a store where I can buy some at bulk so it would be cheaper for me in the long run. That was helpful of him because I’m always looking to save a few dollars.

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Living In The Past

2874522609_20beb189a4_zI like to debate with my friend about proper boat maintenance techniques and practices.  My friend was brought up to appreciate the virtues of doing things the old way because they are proven and true.  His father was a military man and also a creature of habit.  He would do things one way and if that one way worked, he stuck with it.  That lesson was instilled in my friend and to this day, he refuses to change.

Last Christmas I got him a gallon of Evinrude outboard oil for his outboard engine and he still refuses to use it to this day.  I explained to him about fully synthetic oil and how it differs from conventional oil and he still wouldn’t budge.  He’s funny that way.  All the clocks in his house are still analog clocks because he finds electronic clocks unreliable.  I call him an old man even though he’s still in his thirties.  I tell him to embrace the future every day but he can’t let go of the past.  Next year I should get him something he desperately needs: a HD television and see if he would use it.

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Breaking in a New Engine

brads392hemiproject140I just recently purchased a new Evinrude engine for my boat.  The old one was acting up on me and I wanted to replace it before it totally went out on me at the most inopportune time.  I got it for a decent enough price.

The one thing about replacing an engine is finding the proper mix of oil to fuel.  I’m just doing some trial and error on how much Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil to use with my fuel.  Hopefully I’ll find the right balance.

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