Trusting Evinrude Oil in an Evinrude Motor

domo online blog 3 3-10-14My friend recently purchased a new boat. He ended up buying a used motor to go with the boat, since it did not come with one initially. It was an Evinrude motor that one of his friends had for a boat that they no longer chose to use anymore. My friend spent several hours reading up on the motor online, so that he could learn more about it.

He wanted to make sure that he could keep the motor running perfectly. He learned what kind of Evinrude oil needed to go in the motor, exactly how much oil to use, and what other maintenance needed to be performed regularly. He got a checklist of some of the required maintenance and decided to start fresh by getting these things done right away.

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No Ads for Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

When I was listening to the radio this morning, I heard a commercial for some variety of motor oil. They were advertising a special where you could buy three quarts and get the fourth one for half price. I realized then that I always heard ads for car oil on the radio, but I never have heard an ad that is specifically for any type of boat motor oil.

The only time I have seen any ads for this type of oil is when I have been watching something specifically boat related on the television. Only then are ads for Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil ever seen. I suppose that this is mainly because boat oil is such a specialized product. Most people do not need it in their day to day lives.

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At the Marina with Evinrude Outboard Oil

domo online blog 1 2-03-14I always used to love going down to the marina. There is something great about being able to walk along the docks. There’s always the salty scent of the bay and the call of a seagull from on top of a pier. It reminds me of my childhood, when my sister and I would walk along the docks, waiting for our dad to be ready to take the boat out.

We would always read the boat names. Some of them were funny, others were serious. Sometimes we would run into other people, working on their boats. They’d be busy mixing Evinrude outboard oil or painting some part of their sailboat. The people were always friendly. They’d often say hello. It was peaceful out in the marina.

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Long Lasting Evinrude Oil

domo online blog 1 1-13-14I always used to think that any oil that I’d had sitting around for a long time, was probably useless. I guess my thought was that since this is the case with gasoline, oil would work the same way. I know that gasoline slowly deteriorates over time. It becomes not only unusable, but also dangerous to use in an engine because its formula begins to break down.

With high quality motor oil, such as Evinrude oil, you needn’t worry if the oil is a little old. As long as it is a type of oil that your motor is made to use, the oil should not have degraded to the point where it is unusable or dangerous for your engine. Even if oil is left in its original container for a few years, it can still be used in your boat engine.

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The History of BRP and Evinrude Outboard Oil

Domo-Online Pic 5Bombardier Recreational Products — also known as BRP — is a company that was founded in Quebec in 1942, which initially operated to create snowmobiles and related products. As time has gone on, the company has ventured into other territories including motorcycles, ATVs, and boating. There are a number of different subsidiaries and brands that are owned by BRP.

One of the company’s more recent acquisitions was that of Evinrude Outboard Motors, which was acquired after its former owners filed for bankruptcy. Evinrude Outboard Motors produces plenty of well-reviewed products including Evinrude outboard oil, which is perfect when used for outboard motors on boats.

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Learning about Boats and Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

Domo-Online Pic 1 1292013When you get a boat for the first time, it’s easy to get a little overwhelmed with all of the information that you need to know. Some people purchase a boat without considering how much they should know about boating beforehand. You should know all of the laws about boating and fishing in your area, obviously, before you take a boat somewhere you’re not supposed to.

Additionally, you should learn a bit about your boat’s maintenance and the type of oil it takes. Some research should be done to determine what the best brand of oil is for your particular engine. I exclusively use Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil, but I had to make sure to put the time in to figure this out so that I could ensure that my boat was running the best it possibly could.

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Buying Evinrude Oil Before the Trip

evinrudeIt could be (accurately) said that I’m not terribly organized when it comes to family trips. It’s pretty funny because as I sit at my work desk, there’s a post it note for every task that needs to be done and a neat order in which I approach every day’s work. When I get home, that all gets erased and I fall into a lazier person’s habits.

When we were planning our family trip, my husband had an incredible idea that never occurred to any of us: buy the Evinrude oil we needed before we left. Every year, we went up to our shore house and complained on high about the inflated prices of oil in town. My husband finally was the one to think, hey, couldn’t we just buy this beforehand?

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Outboard Must-know Info such as Evinrude XD 50 Oil Benefits

tim10If you’re new to outboard engines, you’ll have to educate yourself a little bit on the proper keep of an outboard engine in order to guarantee you are getting the most for your money. It’s often misinformation that leads to engines seizing rather than it being a problem with the engine itself. Before anything else, learn what you need to put into your engine.

The first thing to find out is what your fuel/oil ratio is for your outboard. Most manufactured before 1964 need 24:1 while 2-stroke outboards since then require a 50:1 fuel to oil mixture. Using the right oil, such as Evinrude xd50 oil, is imperative. Using the wrong oil can cause extreme problems and even ruin an engine in extreme cases.


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Learn About Outboard Motors and Evinrude Oil

79rude70If you’re just getting into boating, the different jargon concerning motors and other boat accessories can sound the same. Outboard motor is likely something you have heard, but it might not bring any images to mind when you try to picture it. Before you can own and operate a boat to the best of your ability, you will have to understand the basics about how they are made.
An outboard motor propels a boat forward, running well on Evinrude oil. These motors are the most common method for pushing small boats forward. The motor includes an engine, gearbox, and propeller or jet drive. They do more than just motorize a boat. They also control the watercraft’s direction when under power.

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Sticking with Evinrude Outboard Oil

xd30_group-low-rezI’m definitely the type of person who is very set in his ways. When I start doing something, I stick to it, no matter what that might entail. I’m not a quitter and I’m not one who is very willing to change from routine, unless it is absolutely necessary. I enjoy living in a state of comfort, where things in my life don’t ever get too far outside of my control.

One way that I show this trait is through brand loyalty. For instance, I am absolutely adamant that only Evinrude outboard oil is used on my boat. I’ve gotten great performance out of Evinrude products and I don’t have any intention of changing things up for any reason, because I’m a firm believer that you should stick with what works.

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Evinrude Oil for Lake Fishing

mediumWhen I was younger and living in Wisconsin, I used to go ice fishing fairly frequently with my father in the winters. Though it got me interested in fishing, I would often hear about some of my friends who would go to visit the Great Lakes and go fishing on their parents’ boats. We didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up, so I was always a little jealous.

In my adulthood, I’ve got a high-paying job and more than enough money for a boat, so one of my favorite things to do is to take my dad on fishing trips, just like he did for me. However, instead of going ice fishing, we can load up my boat with Evinrude oil and take it out on a lake nearby so that our fishing experience can be even more exciting, and a lot less cold.

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Yamaha Oil and Keyboards

23328877_CP_photoI’ve been playing the piano since I was young. I started out playing it on a grand piano but eventually I decided that I had a preference for keyboards. After years and years of playing the keyboards, I’ve determined that Yamaha keyboards are my absolute favorite ones, and I never purchase keyboards or accessories that are developed by anyone else.

When I got a boat, I decided I’d be able to make use of my support for Yamaha once again. I figured that if I could trust Yamaha to make all of my musical instruments, I could also trust them to be the ones who make the oil that I would use in my boat. That’s the ultimate reason why I choose to purchase Yamaha oil over the other options out there.

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