Toyota Nixes Outboard Motors on Pickups

ToybotaCiting size, fuel efficiency challenges and California emissions standards Toyota has decided not to move forward with putting outboard motors on their newest line of pickups. This came as quite a disappointment to many industry specialists who were looking forward to helping owners of the new vehicles stay on the road. From outboard motor oil requirements to gasoline, even repair and maintenance needs, the new vehicle was destined to provide jobs in mechanical repair and gas stations the world over.

Industry professionals are not thrilled but they are also unsurprised. “Why would you put an outboard motor on a pickup truck?” seems to be the question on most people’s lips. And a good question it is. There’s no real apparent advantage in terms of performance, towing capacity or versatility to be gained from attaching an outboard motor to the tailgate of a remarkably durable truck. Still, though, many are shaking their heads in amazement, “It sure does look cool.”

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2 Cycle Engines

2 Cycle Boat Motor2 cycle engines remain a popular and affordable option for boat enthusiasts everywhere. If you love being on the water but think that boats and motors are just too expensive, think again. Two cycle motors use a unique mixing technique to provide enormous horsepower ina very small package. Pound for pound, 2 cycle boat motors pack quite a punch. Whatever your use or whatever you on-the-water hobby a 2 cycle engine can save you time, money and a whole lot of heavy lifting.

And when you use your 2 cycle engine in conjunction with the Domo-Online barrel or case motor oil you save an unprecedented amount of money on boating. So stop worrying about the expense, it’s negligible. If you love the water enough you’ll find a way to it. And, what’s more, with your 2 cycle engine you can enjoy the one-of-a-kind service at Domo-Online not to mention the unbeatable prices.

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Recycle Oil

Recycle Motor OilWhen it’s time to replace your 2 cycle motor oil make sure you dispose of your used oil properly. Despite attempts to clean up landfills and other dumping areas motor oil continues to be a persistent problem and threat to the environment around the world. When we don’t follow proper disposal techniques we endanger wildlife and can even directly impact the helth and growth of fish in large numbers.

Simply put, if you don’t recycle your oil a lot of bad things can happen and you’ll end up with no fish, or no clean water for boating. The snowball effect from improper disposal of your oil can be catastrophic to wetlands and endangered species no matter where you live. That’s why I support and practice motor oil recycling religiously. I want my children, grandchildren and their children to be able to enjoy the same relationship with nature and wildlife that I do.

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