Oil for Motorcycles and Scooters


When changing the oil in your motorcycle or scooter, it is good to have an idea of how far your vehicle can travel before needing more, and what kinds of oil are best to use. Yamaha “Yamalube” oil tends to be the brand of choice for most motorcycles and scooters. For maximum performance and efficiency, use a Yamalube 2S oil. Most motorcyclists and scooter owners will estimate travel between 400-600 miles from one quart of oil.

However it is good to continue to check your oil level regularly before the light flips on your vehicle.

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Get Ready For Winter Sports


In less than two months it will officially be winter. Though many people may not look forward to the endless snow and nippy days; others say ‘the more snow the better.’ Winter sports are becoming increasingly popular. Sports like skiing and snowmobiling offer needed outdoor escapes for those trapped in cubicles for the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work week.

But before you hope on your snowmobile heading out on that snowy mountain trail it’s important to know some snowmobile safety rules. First, avoid trails with inadequate snow cover. Don’t ever ride on frozen waterways. Be aware of hidden hazards and obstacles beneath the snow. Always abide by signs and barriers. And, make sure your snowmobile is properly tuned up. This involves filling the oil with yamaha 2s oil when needed.

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What is a 2 stroke engine?

2 stroke oil

A 2 stroke engine is similar to the common 4 stroke engine, except that it completes the same four processes in two strokes of the piston rather than four. This creates a power stroke for every revolution of the crank, instead of every second revolution. Two stroke engines provide high power for this reason, and are often used in portable, lightweight situations, such as motors and chainsaws.

When dealing with a 2 stroke engine, it’s important to use 2 stroke oil to ensure the engine will operate properly.

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