Yamalube 2W On A Waverunner

4595l72_20For the longest time, I had hoped to purchase a WaveRunner. I had never even ridden on one before, but I’d seen a lot of them and thought that they looked like they would be a lot of fun. I saved up my money for quite a while and recently, I was able to afford a really nice one. I’ve been having a blast with it since I picked it up.

Maintenance is definitely something that’s important when it comes to properly taking care of a WaveRunner and I’ve been making sure to use Yamalube 2W whenever needed. That was the motor oil that I was advised to use by the dealer that I bought my WaveRunner from. So far, everything’s been working perfectly!

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Mercury 2 Cycle Oil In A New Boat

boat2When my son was young, I used to take him out on a rusty old boat that my father had passed down to me and we would go fishing in the river behind our house. We usually didn’t catch a whole lot, but it was a nice way to teach my son to be a sportsman and for us to bond together over a fun activity, one he would remember all of his life.

Now that he’s a full-grown man, it’s clear that our experiences boating together have influenced his hobbies as an adult. He’s got his own boat now and it’s a boat that’s much nicer than the rusty old one I used to take him out on. For his birthday, I got him some Mercury 2 cycle oil, so that he’ll be able to take care of that brand new boat.

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Using Two Cycle Outboard Oil In A Bind

imagesI’m the kind of guy who takes good care of his lawn and yard. I mow the lawn every weekend and eliminate weeds and other unsightly plant life that are growing in my yard. My yard is as well maintained as a Major League Baseball outfield. In fact, I use the same products the major ballparks use to keep their grass healthy and visually appealing. My neighbors compliment me on my grass every time they see me.

This last weekend, I had to remove a rotting tree from my backyard. I could have hired professionals to do it but I felt I could have done it on my own with the help of a friend. I had a chainsaw, an axe and some rope to work with. The plan was to use the chainsaw to cut through the trunk halfway and pull it down with the rope. Things were going well until I realized that I didn’t have enough fuel in my chainsaw. I didn’t want to drive to the gas station so I mixed the remainder of the fuel with some leftover two cycle outboard oil. It was good enough for us to get through the tree trunk.

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Looking For My Two Cycle Oil

P1010014GR_1-300x224I spent my entire day reorganizing my things in the garage. I’ve left it a complete mess for the last two months and it started to get on my nerves when I couldn’t find anything I needed. I usually don’t let it get to this point, but it has been a busy few months. If I kept some sort of order in my garage, then I wouldn’t have needed an entire day to get things straight again.

I couldn’t find where I put my bottles of two cycle oil which was the reason I needed to straighten out the mess in my garage. I spent over two hours sifting through junk just to find where I put it. That was a waste of time and there’s nothing I hate more than wasting time. So for the rest of that day, I threw away the things that I didn’t need, put my tools back in order on my work bench, and swept up the wood chips and sawdust that accumulated on my garage floor. When I was done with everything, you could hardly tell it was the same garage. I felt good afterwards and vowed to do it once a week.

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2 Cycle Oil Is Worth It

11882883My friend likes to find cheaper alternatives for just about everything. He never buys name brand items; he usually gets the generic brand. I’m sure most of the items do the same things but some items are better than others I imagine. I guess I have more trust in name brand items because I would expect they would perform better. That might not necessarily be the case, but that’s how I feel.

My friend bought some generic 2 cycle oil for his outboard engine. I warned him that some brands weren’t going to be as good as others and that when it comes to things like engine maintenance, he should stick with the better quality stuff. It will eventually do some harm to his engine but he still likes to buy the cheaper alternative. In the long run, it will cost him more to repair the parts that were damaged.

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Smokey Engine

604066900_8b06be5115_oI like to say that I am a loyal individual.  I’ve been with my wife for over twenty years,  I’ve supported my teams for my entire life it seems like, and I only use one brand of underwear.  My parents are the same way which explains why I am also.  They taught me that if something or someone never does me wrong, then it’s safe to stick with it until you need to do otherwise.

I’ve had my boat for the better part of ten years.  I like to take it out fishing on the weekends and enjoy some quiet time with myself or with some friends and family.  I’ve been using once specific brand of oil on my outboard engine and it hasn’t given me a problem until recently.  My engine has been more smoky than usual lately.  A friend of my suggested that I try some Mercury 2 Cycle Oil and see if it does anything different.  The result was the same so I guess it’s time to take the engine to a mechanic to see what is wrong with it.

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Surprise Boat Trip

One of my friends called me up out of the blue recently; I hadn’t heard from him in a while so I was a little surprised. He told me to come over to his house because he had some awesome plans for the weekend that he wanted to include me in. I didn’t have anything planned so I went over to his house.

When I got there, he had a bottle of Yamaha 2W oil in one hand and a printed off picture of Chesapeake Bay in the other hand. Quickly, I knew exactly what we were going to be doing that weekend and it was much-needed. We were going to do some boating and fishing up in Chesapeake Bay. We went out there and had a great time.

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Christmas Shopping

It’s getting to be that time of year again when Christmas is just around the corner. I’ve been trying to get all the shopping for Christmas presents out of the way but my family never really gives me any hints of what I should buy them and when I ask them what they want, they usually nonchalantly say that they can’t think of anything specific and that I’ll figure something out.

I had to pretty much improvise when I was picking up Christmas presents for everyone. I got some candles and things like that for my mom. I got my dad some 2 cycle oil for his boat, because I figured you could never have enough for that. And I got some video games for my little brother, because all he really does is play video games.

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Buying in Bulk

I absolutely hate shopping and I always have. I’ve just always seen it as a huge burden. Ever since the advent of online shopping, I’ve loved that I can at least do shopping at home but I still feel like I’m using up all of my precious free time when I have to shop for anything, especially if it’s something I can’t find online.

These days, when I’ve decided to buy something, I prefer to buy a lot of it all at once (if it’s something that doesn’t really expire, of course) so that I don’t have to go through the process of buying more of it later. For instance, when I decided to get a new boat, I bought enough Yamalube 2 cycle oil that I wouldn’t have to buy any again for years.

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Be Prepared

I prefer to buy things in bulk as opposed to buying products individually. I’ve always been a big fan of places like Costco where I can buy massive amounts of the products I need for decent wholesale prices. I do this with food – preferably with the kind of food that doesn’t expire too quickly – and I do this with many other different kinds of products that I use regularly.

For instance, I do this with products that I use to maintain my car and my boat, mostly because I believe it’s better to already be prepared for a problem or an oil change or something like that than it is to not be prepared at all. If you’ve got enough bottles of two cycle oil, you don’t have to go out too often and find more of it, as long as you keep the oil in a safe place.

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Breaking In An Engine

Breaking in a new two cycle motor before you really take it out for a spin is very important and it’s something many people forget about. Some say that the first ten hours that you treat your motor will reflect how the boat runs for the entire time you have it. What’s important at first is to use some extra lubrication.

If you have a non oil injected engine, you should run two pints of two cycle outboard oil to every six gallons of gas. With an oil injected engine, you should instead run one pint to every six gallons. You should also make sure to limit your RPMs and make sure that you don’t get too close to max RPM within the first ten hours or so of running your boat.

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From Canada to California

When I lived in Canada, I was always a big fan of going out on my snowmobile. Then, a few years ago, I moved out to California for work. There were a lot of things that I had to adjust to in moving countries, but even more than the differences between the United States and Canada were simpler things such as suddenly dealing with warm weather all of the time, which I was far from used to.

When winter came around, I would drive around on my snowmobile and pick up snowmobile oil. These days, I instead use a Waverunner and pick up Waverunner oil, and I can even do that in the winter! I enjoy living in California a lot and sometimes it’s strange how many parallels there really are – like the snowmobile and Waverunner parallel – but sometimes I do miss things back home.

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