2 Cycle Oil for Dad’s Maintenance

76MontesaCota247My dad was bed-ridden during a particularly nasty battle with the stomach flu, so I was going over to his house every day for a few days to help him out with errands while he was feeling ill. I knew that he had been planning a big boating trip soon and had intended to prepare for it, but was too focused on staying in bed and recovering from being so sick.

While he was out of commission, I did some maintenance on his boat that he had planned on doing. For that, I had to go out and pick up some 2 cycle oil so that I could use it on his boat. I also picked up some groceries for him and got him the medication that he would need to feel better and get over the stomach flu faster.

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Getting Specific with Mercury 2 Cycle Oil

11882891I’m not someone who’s particularly well-versed when it comes to mechanics. My husband is an engineer who understands things like that much better than I do, whereas I focused on artsy things when I was in college. Thus, when my husband asks me to run an errand for him that’s related to something mechanical he has to do, I always make sure to get all of the facts.

Recently, my husband decided that he was going to do the maintenance on our boat himself. He had the free time to do the work but needed me to pick up some extra items for him. I made him write down everything specific on a list, so that I wouldn’t confuse the Mercury 2 cycle oil that he needed with something else by mistake.

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Remembering Proper Maintenance with Evinrude XD 50 Oil

IMG_1328-1 Occasionally, I can be a little bit scatter-brained and forget to do something important. This was majorly the case the last time that I went boating; I completely forgot to put sunscreen on and I wound up with one of the worst burns I’ve ever had in my entire life. Ever since I did that, I’ve made a vow to make lists before I do things like this to ensure that I don’t forget anything important.

For instance, I’m planning a boating trip in a few days and so I generated a list of all of the things I need to do before I can make that happen. Obviously, I’ve got to remember sunscreen for the day I go out on the boat. I also have to remember to get some Evinrude XD 50 oil so that I can perform the proper maintenance beforehand.

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Two Cycle Oil for the Man Who Has Everything

optimax.3.gallonsWhat do you get for the man who has everything? That’s a question I always find myself asking whenever I’ve got to purchase a gift for my older brother. He’s doing pretty well for himself and he’s not really the type to wait around until Christmas or his birthday to get something that he wants. Unfortunately, this sometimes makes it hard to think of an appropriate gift.

Usually, I like to get something that I know he uses a lot or something perishable. For instance, I’ll get him some sort of foodstuffs that will be easily prepared and delicious. Or instead I’ll get him some two cycle oil for his boat, since I know he takes it out so often that he goes through it constantly. Even though it’s tough to buy gifts for him, I always figure something out!

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Learning about Boats and Two Cycle Outboard Oil

boat-oil-changeWhen I was in high school, I remember knowing a lot of guys that were way into cars and could talk about all the different specs and information about new cars coming out and things like that. I was kind of bewildered by it because I couldn’t fathom being one of those people, but as an adult, I’ve turned out not to be that different from those kinds of guys after all.

Rather than being into cars, however, my current group of friends is very interested in boating and all of the logistics behind having a boat. We’re constantly discussing which two cycle outboard oil to use or talking about the new boats that are coming out. We know how to do maintenance on our own boats and we’re all pretty well-versed in the subject.

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2 Cycle Oil in a Better Boat

PM703102AI always feel like when my younger brother makes purchases, he’s trying to catch up with the things that I have just purchased. I’ll purchase a new car, then he’ll purchase a new car. I move into a new place, then he moves into a new place. I think some of these instances have been coincidences, but it’s still something that seems to happen a whole lot.

Most recently, this happened with a boat; I purchased a boat, and then he went out and purchased a boat. While sometimes it’s been a coincidence, I’m pretty sure that this one wasn’t. He always tries to compete with me, so he’s sure to bring up things about his boat whenever he can. My boat uses 2 cycle oil quite efficiently though, much better than his, so I have that advantage.

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Picking Up Yamalube 2W for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is fast approaching and I’ve been racking my brain for ideas as to what to get for my dad. What do you get the man who has everything? He has a tendency to pick up everything that he wants or needs, so it’s always tough to figure out what kinds of gifts are going to be useful for him.

I figured that the only things that he really needed are items that are be depleted. For example, he doesn’t need a new fishing pole because he already has one. However, he definitely will always need Yamalube 2W for his WaveRunner because he’s eventually going to run out of it. Mission accomplished for another happy Fathers Day.

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Seafarers Love To Use Mercury 2 Cycle Oil

1030632085_20f0e0fea9I’ve always been a bit sea-obsessed. When I was a kid, my favorite movie was Finding Nemo and sharks have always been my favorite animal. Even though I have a love for interesting fish, I also enjoy the sport of fishing because I don’t think loving fish and loving fishing have to be mutually exclusive. Seafood is probably my favorite food, so I can’t really resist it.

Needless to say, my love for the sea and for fishing has led me to become an experienced boater as well. My parents have had a boat for a long time.  I learned to drive it as early as I could. I’m learning how to maintain boats and work on them as well, whether they need Mercury 2 cycle oil or another kind of tune-up.

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Watching Dolphins From The Boat

Dolphin-WebThere’s an area near where I live where if you take your boat out far enough you can pretty much be guaranteed to see some dolphins swimming around and playing with each other. Dolphins are my favorite animal; it is so interesting how intelligent they are and how playful they can be. I always try to take the time to go out and watch them.

Usually, I’ll round up a few of my friends who love animals or dolphins or whatever and we’ll bring some snacks and some drinks. I fill up my boat with some two cycle oil and we head out to the open water in search of dolphins. You have to be very careful not to hit any dolphins with your boat!

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A Budget Including Two Cycle Outboard Oil

budgetI can be a bit of a perfectionist and I like to know exactly how much money I’m going to be spending on something before I spend it. I always check out the pricing for maintenance costs and accessories whenever I decide to make a big purchase. It allows me to rest a lot easier when I actually go out and spend the money.

My next big purchase is probably going to be a boat.  I’ve been working out how much additional money I will need to spend when I purchase the boat, as that will determine the type of boat I end up purchasing. I have to remember that I’ll need maintenance and cleaning supplies like two cycle outboard oil and other accessories too.

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Keeping 2 Cycle Oil In Stock

271007_front200As a boat mechanic, I always have to make sure I’ve got the products that I need in my shop. If my employees don’t have the necessary tools and materials, they can’t do their jobs properly. We always keep an additional stock of our supplies in a storage unit so that we can easily get anything we need for any job.

One of the items I always keep is a large stock of 4 cycle and 2 cycle oil, fuel additives, tool sets, and spare parts for all different kinds of boats. We like to promise our customers that the work done on their boats will be speedy so that they can get out and enjoy the water as often as they can.

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Yamaha Produces Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil

p_yamalubeThe Yamaha Motor Company, which was launched in 1955, is a subsidiary of Yamaha Corporation.  The focus was on motorized vehicles rather than musical instruments, which the company was already well-known for. Now they are  best known for their motorcycles and recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles, scooters, boats and outboard motors.

Yamaha also offers a line of products related to those vehicles. One of these products is Yamalube 2 Cycle oil. This oil was designed specifically for Yamaha Outboard motors.  They also recommend using Yamalube Ring Free Plus in each tank of fuel, to counter the effects of ethanol and the unpredictable quality levels of today’s gasoline.

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