Dangers of Oil Pollution

Whether it’s mineral based or synthetic, oil is used as a lubricant in almost all engines. But oil is capable of causing significant damage to the environment. In fact, even a few drops of oil can contaminate enough water to supply the average person for an entire year. It’s most important for boat owners to be extra careful with their outboard motors and marine engines. When even a little bit of oil escapes into the water, it becomes a danger for humans and the environment. Marine creatures are quite sensitive to oil, and should even a small amount of boat motor oil escape into the water, it can be fatal to various organisms that live near the surface.
Boat owners need to check their outboard motors or marine engines on a regular basis for leaks, and also ensure that the proper safety precautions are being observed. In addition to the impact on the environment, an oil leak can result in quite a hefty fine for the boat owner, even if the leak was unbeknownst. Ensuring boat motor oil is secure saves the environment and can save a lot of money.