Enjoy Your Labor Day Weekend!

The Labor Day holiday weekend can be an excellent time to enjoy boating recreation close to home as weather forecasts permit. There are so many festivals and special events going on all over America, but a quick bit of rest and relaxation on the water may appeal to you much more. However, according to AAA spokespeople, projected Labor Day travel is down 1% from last year among Americans. This may be due to the prices of fuel and automobile oil as well as boat motor oil. Impending expenses for school clothing and supplies many families with children must absorb can also be a deciding factor when choosing to stay home for Labor Day Weekend.
If you do choose to participate in recreational boating this Labor Day weekend, please follow basic rules of safety on the waterways. Wear a lifejacket that fits properly, avoid alcohol consumption when on the boat, keep a lookout for people and objects in the water, familiarize yourself with water routes and conditions before you travel, and follow the boating “rules of the road”. Most boating fatalities occur each summer during Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day holidays. Operator inattention has been said to be the leading cause of boating accidents, followed by alcohol-related fatalities. One wise precaution is assignation of a designated driver while boating, but passengers who are intoxicated can also cause safety hazards by falling overboard, swimming too close to boat propellers, and having other mishaps. Not wearing a life jacket is also a common component of fatal boating accidents. The new lightweight, compact fishing vests on the market are much more comfortable than the bulkier, more traditional life vests, having been innovatively designed to serve multiple purposes and are added incentive for anglers to wear them at all times while on the water.