I’ll Pay My Friend Back with Mercury Oil
We really do have a lot of great scenery out here. I love that I live out and away from big cities. It really does create a lot of opportunities to explore the area, and a lot of the times to see it I have to take a boat. But luckily a friend of mine has one, and we like to use it often. We love going around and seeing all the unique sights, like old castles and ruins.
But honestly, I think I should really pay my friend back for taking me out on the boat so much to these places. Not with money per se, but I think supplying my friend with more Mercury oil for future trips is a good idea. That way, it’ll really feel like I’m pitching in. And even better, I can look forward to future trips and adventures with my friend.
It really is cool to live in such a unique place. All the lakes and rivers in the area really do make you want to take your boat out. But although I don’t have one, I know someone who does. And we’ll always be able to go out on the boat once I start playing my friend back in jugs of Mercury oil.