Improving Outboard Fuel Economy 2.0

Improving Outboard Fuel Economy 2.0

Improving outboard motor fuel economy involves more than using the right propeller and the highest quality gasoline and oil, there are numerous more rudimentary practices that can have a dramatic effect. For example, it’s important to make sure the hull of the boat is as clean as possible. Plant growth like algae and barnacles can increase drag and reduce fuel efficiency. For people who keep their boat in the water all the time, it’s best to clean the hull at least twice throughout the year. It’s also a good idea to eliminate extra weight when possible. Having a lot of unnecessary items and equipment inside the boat will weight it down and cause a reduction in performance. While it’s a good idea to keep a bit of extra motor oil and fuel inside the boat, bulk oil and fuel isn’t needed unless the boat is being used for extended travel. In addition, it’s important to check the bilge for water that may have accumulated, as this can also weigh the boat down.

These reasons for decreased performance might sound insignificant, but all the various factors add up over time. With these simple steps a marine engine will perform better and the owner will save on oil and fuel.

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