Quieter Engines More Fuel Efficient?

evinrudeA recent study of outboard motors yielded evidence that quieter motors are also more fuel efficient as well as better for the environment. The test was run on a 1988 Evinrude outboard motor versus a 2008 Evinrude outboard motor.  The results of the test were as follows:

~The 2008 motor was 38% more fuel efficient than the 20-year old version

~Based on Friday’s fuel prices at the dock, this equates to a savings of $16 per hour

The most startling difference between the two motors was when both were started,  the 2008 hummed quietly as it warmed up, while the 1988 motor gargled and spewed smoke and fumes for several minutes. Although you can use the same Evinrude XD 100 on both engines, the recent advancements in engine technology is palpable.

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